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the X collection stands for more than fashion.
it represents our desire to do more.

A portion of each Esquivel X sale goes to support the Charity Navigator 4-Star non-profit Giving Children Hope. In these trying times, Giving Children Hope has increased their efforts, delivering additional food and supplies to vulnerable families and healthcare workers in Southern California.

By shopping our X collection you can help us support this amazing organization.

The Story Behind

My life is far from perfect, but it's come a long way from my childhood filled with many hardships. Growing up, my dad was in and out of jail. My mom cleaned houses to provide for her children and we often found ourselves in rundown motels or homeless, not always certain we would have food on the table the next morning. We lived in poverty, and we see this same story in our neighborhoods every day.

At Esquivel, we want to rewrite that narrative. I've always believed in the power and duty we have to transform lives by giving more of what we've been given and as the founder of my own brand, I now have a platform to bring awareness of these prevalent issues to a wider audience. Our "X" collection does just that.

These items are marked with a simple "X" which stands for the multiplying of hope. They are created to start rewriting the stories of children facing the possibility of going without food tomorrow. Your purchase of our "X tote" provides food to children and their families in the Southern California area every weekend for one year. This collection of products stands for more than fashion; it represents our desire to do more.

- George Esquivel